Compass Color Brightness
This file can be imported using:
@import "compass/utilities/color/brightness"
view sourcebrightness($color)
@function brightness($color) @if type-of($color) == color @return (red($color) * 0.299 + green($color) * 0.587 + blue($color) * 0.114) / 255 * 100% @else @return unquote("brightness(#{$color})")
@function brightness($color) { @if type-of($color) == color { @return (red($color) * 0.299 + green($color) * 0.587 + blue($color) * 0.114) / 255 * 100%; } @else { @return unquote("brightness(#{$color})"); } }
Computes the "brightness" of a color
Brightness is similiar to lightness in HSL but more closely approximates how humans perceive the intensity of the different RGB components of a color. Brightness is sometimes called luminance.
Returns a number between 0% and 100%, where 100% is fully bright (white) and 0% is fully dark (black) for color values.
For numbers and percentages it returns the same value to be used
in @include filter(brightness(1.1))