Version: 0.13.alpha.0
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Blueprint Reset Utilities

Utility mixins for applying a reset and base styling.

This file can be imported using: @import "blueprint/reset/utilities"


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    @extend %bp-reset-box-model
    @extend %bp-reset-element
@mixin blueprint-global-reset {
  html {
    @extend %bp-reset-box-model;
  body {
    @extend %bp-reset-element;
  @include blueprint-nested-reset;

Global reset rules. For more specific resets, use the reset mixins provided below

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  div, span, object, iframe, p,
  pre, a, abbr, acronym, address,
  code, del, dfn, em, img,
  dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset,
  form, label, legend,
  caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr
    @extend %bp-reset-element
    @extend %bp-reset-element
    @extend %bp-reset-html5-element
  blockquote, q
    @extend %bp-reset-quotation
  th, td, caption
    @extend %bp-reset-table-cell
    @extend %bp-reset-table
  a img
    @extend %bp-reset-linked-image
@mixin blueprint-nested-reset {
  div, span, object, iframe, p,
  pre, a, abbr, acronym, address,
  code, del, dfn, em, img,
  dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset,
  form, label, legend,
  caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr {
    @extend %bp-reset-element;
  #{headers(all)} {
    @extend %bp-reset-element;
  #{elements-of-type(html5-block)} {
    @extend %bp-reset-html5-element;
  blockquote, q {
    @extend %bp-reset-quotation;
  th, td, caption {
    @extend %bp-reset-table-cell;
  table {
    @extend %bp-reset-table;
  a img {
    @extend %bp-reset-linked-image;

Reset all elements within some selector scope.To reset the selector itself, mixin the appropriate reset mixin for that element type as well. This could be useful if you want to style a part of your page in a dramatically different way.

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  @extend %bp-reset-element
  display: block
@mixin blueprint-reset-html5-element {
  @extend %bp-reset-element;
  display: block;
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  margin: 0
  padding: 0
  border: 0
@mixin blueprint-reset-box-model {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  border: 0;
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@mixin blueprint-basic-reset {
  @include blueprint-reset-box-model;
  @include blueprint-reset-typography;
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    weight: inherit
    style: inherit
    size: 100%
    family: inherit
  vertical-align: baseline
@mixin blueprint-reset-typography {
  font: {
    weight: inherit;
    style: inherit;
    size: 100%;
    family: inherit;
  vertical-align: baseline;
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  @extend %bp-reset-element
  quotes: "" ""
  &:before, &:after
    content: ""
@mixin blueprint-reset-quotation {
  @extend %bp-reset-element;
  quotes: "" "";
  &:before, &:after {
    content: "";
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  @extend %bp-reset-element
  float: none !important
  text-align: left
  font-weight: normal
  vertical-align: middle
@mixin blueprint-reset-table-cell {
  @extend %bp-reset-element;
  float: none !important;
  text-align: left;
  font-weight: normal;
  vertical-align: middle;
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  @extend %bp-reset-element
  border-collapse: separate
  border-spacing: 0
  vertical-align: middle
@mixin blueprint-reset-table {
  @extend %bp-reset-element;
  border-collapse: separate;
  border-spacing: 0;
  vertical-align: middle;


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%bp-reset-box-model {
  @include blueprint-reset-box-model;
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%bp-reset-element {
  @include blueprint-basic-reset;
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%bp-reset-html5-element {
  @include blueprint-reset-html5-element;
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%bp-reset-quotation {
  @include blueprint-reset-quotation;
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%bp-reset-table-cell {
  @include blueprint-reset-table-cell;
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%bp-reset-table {
  @include blueprint-reset-table;
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  border: none
%bp-reset-linked-image {
  border: none;