Version: 1.1.alpha.0
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Compass Box Shadow

The box-shadow mixins are used to apply an inset or drop shadow to a block element.

This file can be imported using: @import "compass/css3/box-shadow"


css3 mixin for box-shadow


  1. Browser Support – Provides configuration options for the Compass Browser Support Matrix.

Configurable Variables help


The prefixed support threshold for box-shadow. Defaults to the $graceful-usage-threshold.


The default color for box shadows


The default horizontal offset. Positive is to the right.


The default vertical offset. Positive is down.


The default blur length.


The default spread length.


The default shadow inset: inset or null (for standard shadow).


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@function default-box-shadow()
  @return compact(if($default-box-shadow-inset, inset, null) $default-box-shadow-h-offset $default-box-shadow-v-offset $default-box-shadow-blur $default-box-shadow-spread $default-box-shadow-color)
@function default-box-shadow() {
  @return compact(if($default-box-shadow-inset, inset, null) $default-box-shadow-h-offset $default-box-shadow-v-offset $default-box-shadow-blur $default-box-shadow-spread $default-box-shadow-color);


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  $shadow: set-arglist-default($shadow, default-box-shadow())
  +prefixed-properties(css-boxshadow, $box-shadow-support-threshold, (box-shadow: $shadow))
@mixin box-shadow($shadow...) {
  $shadow: set-arglist-default($shadow, default-box-shadow());
  @include prefixed-properties(css-boxshadow, $box-shadow-support-threshold, (box-shadow: $shadow));

Provides cross-browser for Webkit, Gecko, and CSS3 box shadows when one or more box shadows are needed. Each shadow argument should adhere to the standard css3 syntax for the box-shadow property.

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=single-box-shadow($hoff: null, $voff: null, $blur: null, $spread: null, $color: null, $inset: $default-box-shadow-inset)
  // Handle legacy argument order
  @if not ($hoff == none or $hoff == null) and type-of($hoff) != number
    @warn "The $color argument for single-box-shadow is now the 5th argument instead of the 1st."
    $tmp-color: $color
    $color: $hoff
    $hoff: $voff
    $voff: $blur
    $blur: $spread
    $spread: $tmp-color
  // Need to set these defaults here instead of the arglist to support the above backwards compat handling
  @if $hoff == null
    $hoff: $default-box-shadow-h-offset
  @if $voff == null
    $hoff: $default-box-shadow-v-offset
  @if $blur == null
    $blur: $default-box-shadow-blur
  @if $spread == null
    $spread: $default-box-shadow-spread
  @if $color == null
    $color: $default-box-shadow-color
  @if not ($inset == true or $inset == false or $inset == null or $inset == inset)
    @warn "$inset expected to be true or the inset keyword. Got #{$inset} instead. Using: inset"
  @if $hoff == none
    $full: $hoff $voff
    @if $blur
      $full: $full $blur
    @if $spread
      $full: $full $spread
    @if $color
      $full: $full $color
    @if $inset
      $full: inset $full
@mixin single-box-shadow($hoff: null, $voff: null, $blur: null, $spread: null, $color: null, $inset: $default-box-shadow-inset) {
  // Handle legacy argument order
  @if not ($hoff == none or $hoff == null) and type-of($hoff) != number {
    @warn "The $color argument for single-box-shadow is now the 5th argument instead of the 1st.";
    $tmp-color: $color;
    $color: $hoff;
    $hoff: $voff;
    $voff: $blur;
    $blur: $spread;
    $spread: $tmp-color;
  // Need to set these defaults here instead of the arglist to support the above backwards compat handling
  @if $hoff == null {
    $hoff: $default-box-shadow-h-offset;
  @if $voff == null {
    $hoff: $default-box-shadow-v-offset;
  @if $blur == null {
    $blur: $default-box-shadow-blur;
  @if $spread == null {
    $spread: $default-box-shadow-spread;
  @if $color == null {
    $color: $default-box-shadow-color;
  @if not ($inset == true or $inset == false or $inset == null or $inset == inset) {
    @warn "$inset expected to be true or the inset keyword. Got #{$inset} instead. Using: inset";
  @if $hoff == none {
    @include box-shadow(none);
  @else {
    $full: $hoff $voff;
    @if $blur {
      $full: $full $blur;
    @if $spread {
      $full: $full $spread;
    @if $color {
      $full: $full $color;
    @if $inset {
      $full: inset $full;
    @include box-shadow($full);

Provides a single cross-browser CSS box shadow for Webkit, Gecko, and CSS3. Includes default arguments for color, horizontal offset, vertical offset, blur length, spread length, and inset.