Compass Transform
Provides mixins for CSS3 2D and 3D transforms. See W3C: CSS 2D transforms and See W3C: CSS 3D transforms.
Safari is the only browser that currently supports 3D transforms. Because of that it can be important to control whether a given 2D transform uses the full range of experimental browser prefixes, or only the 3D list. To make that easy, all 2D transforms include an browser-targeting toggle ($only3d) to switch between the two support lists. The toggle defaults to 'false' (2D), and also accepts 'true' (3D). Currently the lists are as follows: 2D: Mozilla, Webkit, Opera, Official 3D: Webkit, Official **(Only Safari Supports 3D perspective)**
This file can be imported using:
@import "compass/css3/transform"
- Browser Support – Provides configuration options for the Compass Browser Support Matrix.
Configurable Variables help
The the user threshold for transform support. Defaults to $graceful-usage-threshold
The default x-origin for transforms
The default y-origin for transforms
The default z-origin for transforms
The default x-multiplier for scaling
The default y-multiplier for scaling
The default z-multiplier for scaling
The default angle for rotations
The default x-vector for the axis of 3d rotations
The default y-vector for the axis of 3d rotations
The default z-vector for the axis of 3d rotations
The default x-length for translations
The default y-length for translations
The default z-length for translations
The default x-angle for skewing
The default y-angle for skewing
view sourceapply-origin($origin, $only3d)
=apply-origin($origin, $only3d) $capability: if($only3d or length($origin) > 2, transforms3d, transforms2d) +prefixed-properties($capability, $transform-support-threshold, (transform-origin: $origin))
@mixin apply-origin($origin, $only3d) { $capability: if($only3d or length($origin) > 2, transforms3d, transforms2d); @include prefixed-properties($capability, $transform-support-threshold, (transform-origin: $origin)); }
Transform-origin Transform-origin sent as a complete string
@include apply-origin( origin [, 3D-only ] )
where 'origin' is a space separated list containing 1-3 (x/y/z) coordinates in percentages, absolute (px, cm, in, em etc..) or relative (left, top, right, bottom, center) units
@param only3d Set this to true to only apply this mixin where browsers have 3D support.
transform-origin($origin-x, $origin-y, $origin-z, $only3d)
=transform-origin($origin-x: $default-origin-x, $origin-y: $default-origin-y, $origin-z: false, $only3d: if($origin-z, true, false)) $origin: unquote("") @if $origin-x or $origin-y or $origin-z @if $origin-x $origin: $origin-x @else $origin: 50% @if $origin-y $origin: $origin $origin-y @else @if $origin-z $origin: $origin 50% @if $origin-z $origin: $origin $origin-z +apply-origin($origin, $only3d)
@mixin transform-origin($origin-x: $default-origin-x, $origin-y: $default-origin-y, $origin-z: false, $only3d: if($origin-z, true, false)) { $origin: unquote(""); @if $origin-x or $origin-y or $origin-z { @if $origin-x { $origin: $origin-x; } @else { $origin: 50%; } @if $origin-y { $origin: $origin $origin-y; } @else { @if $origin-z { $origin: $origin 50%; } } @if $origin-z { $origin: $origin $origin-z; } @include apply-origin($origin, $only3d); } }
Transform-origin sent as individual arguments:
@include transform-origin( [ origin-x, origin-y, origin-z, 3D-only ] )
where the 3 'origin-' arguments represent x/y/z coordinates.
NOTE: setting z coordinates triggers 3D support list, leave false for 2D support
transform($transform, $only3d)
=transform($transform, $only3d: false) $capability: if($only3d, transforms3d, transforms2d) +prefixed-properties($capability, $transform-support-threshold, (transform: $transform))
@mixin transform($transform, $only3d: false) { $capability: if($only3d, transforms3d, transforms2d); @include prefixed-properties($capability, $transform-support-threshold, (transform: $transform)); }
Transform sent as a complete string:
@include transform( transforms [, 3D-only ] )
where 'transforms' is a space separated list of all the transforms to be applied.
=transform2d($trans) +transform($trans, false)
@mixin transform2d($trans) { @include transform($trans, false); }
Shortcut to target all browsers with 2D transform support
=transform3d($trans) +transform($trans, true)
@mixin transform3d($trans) { @include transform($trans, true); }
Shortcut to target only browsers with 3D transform support
=perspective($p) +prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (perspective: $p))
@mixin perspective($p) { @include prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (perspective: $p)); }
Set the perspective of 3D transforms on the children of an element:
@include perspective( perspective )
where 'perspective' is a unitless number representing the depth of the z-axis. The higher the perspective, the more exaggerated the foreshortening. values from 500 to 1000 are more-or-less "normal" - a good starting-point.
=perspective-origin($origin: 50%) +prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (perspective-origin: $origin))
@mixin perspective-origin($origin: 50%) { @include prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (perspective-origin: $origin)); }
Set the origin position for the perspective
@include perspective-origin(origin-x [origin-y])
where the two arguments represent x/y coordinates
=transform-style($style: preserve-3d) +prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (transform-style: $style))
@mixin transform-style($style: preserve-3d) { @include prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (transform-style: $style)); }
Determine whether a 3D objects children also live in the given 3D space
@include transform-style( [ style ] )
where style
can be either flat
or preserve-3d
Browsers default to flat
, mixin defaults to preserve-3d
=backface-visibility($visibility: hidden) +prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (backface-visibility: $visibility))
@mixin backface-visibility($visibility: hidden) { @include prefixed-properties(transforms3d, $transform-support-threshold, (backface-visibility: $visibility)); }
Determine the visibility of an element when it's back is turned
@include backface-visibility( [ visibility ] )
where visibility
can be either visible
or hidden
Browsers default to visible, mixin defaults to hidden
scale($scale-x, $scale-y, $perspective, $only3d)
=scale($scale-x: $default-scale-x, $scale-y: $scale-x, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: scale($scale-x, $scale-y) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin scale($scale-x: $default-scale-x, $scale-y: $scale-x, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: scale($scale-x, $scale-y); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Scale an object along the x and y axis:
@include scale( [ scale-x, scale-y, perspective, 3D-only ] )
where the 'scale-' arguments are unitless multipliers of the x and y dimensions and perspective, which works the same as the stand-alone perspective property/mixin but applies to the individual element (multiplied with any parent perspective)
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
scaleX($scale, $perspective, $only3d)
=scaleX($scale: $default-scale-x, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: scaleX($scale) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin scaleX($scale: $default-scale-x, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: scaleX($scale); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Scale an object along the x axis @include scaleX( [ scale-x, perspective, 3D-only ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
scaleY($scale, $perspective, $only3d)
=scaleY($scale: $default-scale-y, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: scaleY($scale) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin scaleY($scale: $default-scale-y, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: scaleY($scale); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Scale an object along the y axis @include scaleY( [ scale-y, perspective, 3D-only ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
scaleZ($scale, $perspective)
=scaleZ($scale: $default-scale-z, $perspective: false) $trans: scaleZ($scale) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin scaleZ($scale: $default-scale-z, $perspective: false) { $trans: scaleZ($scale); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Scale an object along the z axis @include scaleZ( [ scale-z, perspective ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
scale3d($scale-x, $scale-y, $scale-z, $perspective)
=scale3d($scale-x: $default-scale-x, $scale-y: $default-scale-y, $scale-z: $default-scale-z, $perspective: false) $trans: scale3d($scale-x, $scale-y, $scale-z) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin scale3d($scale-x: $default-scale-x, $scale-y: $default-scale-y, $scale-z: $default-scale-z, $perspective: false) { $trans: scale3d($scale-x, $scale-y, $scale-z); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Scale and object along all three axis @include scale3d( [ scale-x, scale-y, scale-z, perspective ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
rotate($rotate, $perspective, $only3d)
=rotate($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: rotate($rotate) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin rotate($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: rotate($rotate); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Rotate an object around the z axis (2D) @include rotate( [ rotation, perspective, 3D-only ] ) where 'rotation' is an angle set in degrees (deg) or radian (rad) units
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
rotateZ($rotate, $perspective, $only3d)
=rotateZ($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) +rotate($rotate, $perspective, $only3d)
@mixin rotateZ($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { @include rotate($rotate, $perspective, $only3d); }
A longcut for 'rotate' in case you forget that 'z' is implied
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
rotateX($rotate, $perspective)
=rotateX($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false) $trans: rotateX($rotate) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin rotateX($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false) { $trans: rotateX($rotate); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Rotate an object around the x axis (3D) @include rotateX( [ rotation, perspective ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
rotateY($rotate, $perspective)
=rotateY($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false) $trans: rotateY($rotate) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin rotateY($rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false) { $trans: rotateY($rotate); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Rotate an object around the y axis (3D) @include rotate( [ rotation, perspective ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
rotate3d($vector-x, $vector-y, $vector-z, $rotate, $perspective)
=rotate3d($vector-x: $default-vector-x, $vector-y: $default-vector-y, $vector-z: $default-vector-z, $rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false) $trans: rotate3d($vector-x, $vector-y, $vector-z, $rotate) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin rotate3d($vector-x: $default-vector-x, $vector-y: $default-vector-y, $vector-z: $default-vector-z, $rotate: $default-rotate, $perspective: false) { $trans: rotate3d($vector-x, $vector-y, $vector-z, $rotate); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Rotate an object around an arbitrary axis (3D) @include rotate( [ vector-x, vector-y, vector-z, rotation, perspective ] ) where the 'vector-' arguments accept unitless numbers. These numbers are not important on their own, but in relation to one another creating an axis from your transform-origin, along the axis of Xx = Yy = Zz.
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
translate($translate-x, $translate-y, $perspective, $only3d)
=translate($translate-x: $default-translate-x, $translate-y: $default-translate-y, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: translate($translate-x, $translate-y) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin translate($translate-x: $default-translate-x, $translate-y: $default-translate-y, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: translate($translate-x, $translate-y); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Move an object along the x or y axis (2D) @include translate( [ translate-x, translate-y, perspective, 3D-only ] ) where the 'translate-' arguments accept any distance in percentages or absolute (px, cm, in, em etc..) units.
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
translateX($trans-x, $perspective, $only3d)
=translateX($trans-x: $default-translate-x, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: translateX($trans-x) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin translateX($trans-x: $default-translate-x, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: translateX($trans-x); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Move an object along the x axis (2D) @include translate( [ translate-x, perspective, 3D-only ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
translateY($trans-y, $perspective, $only3d)
=translateY($trans-y: $default-translate-y, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) $trans: translateY($trans-y) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin translateY($trans-y: $default-translate-y, $perspective: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: translateY($trans-y); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Move an object along the y axis (2D) @include translate( [ translate-y, perspective, 3D-only ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
translateZ($trans-z, $perspective)
=translateZ($trans-z: $default-translate-z, $perspective: false) $trans: translateZ($trans-z) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin translateZ($trans-z: $default-translate-z, $perspective: false) { $trans: translateZ($trans-z); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Move an object along the z axis (3D) @include translate( [ translate-z, perspective ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
translate3d($translate-x, $translate-y, $translate-z, $perspective)
=translate3d($translate-x: $default-translate-x, $translate-y: $default-translate-y, $translate-z: $default-translate-z, $perspective: false) $trans: translate3d($translate-x, $translate-y, $translate-z) @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans +transform3d($trans)
@mixin translate3d($translate-x: $default-translate-x, $translate-y: $default-translate-y, $translate-z: $default-translate-z, $perspective: false) { $trans: translate3d($translate-x, $translate-y, $translate-z); @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective) $trans; } @include transform3d($trans); }
Move an object along the x, y and z axis (3D) @include translate( [ translate-x, translate-y, translate-z, perspective ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
skew($skew-x, $skew-y, $only3d)
=skew($skew-x: $default-skew-x, $skew-y: $default-skew-y, $only3d: false) $trans: skew($skew-x, $skew-y) +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin skew($skew-x: $default-skew-x, $skew-y: $default-skew-y, $only3d: false) { $trans: skew($skew-x, $skew-y); @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Skew an element:
@include skew( [ skew-x, skew-y, 3D-only ] )
where the 'skew-' arguments accept css angles in degrees (deg) or radian (rad) units.
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
skewX($skew-x, $only3d)
=skewX($skew-x: $default-skew-x, $only3d: false) $trans: skewX($skew-x) +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin skewX($skew-x: $default-skew-x, $only3d: false) { $trans: skewX($skew-x); @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Skew an element along the x axiz
@include skew( [ skew-x, 3D-only ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
skewY($skew-y, $only3d)
=skewY($skew-y: $default-skew-y, $only3d: false) $trans: skewY($skew-y) +transform($trans, $only3d)
@mixin skewY($skew-y: $default-skew-y, $only3d: false) { $trans: skewY($skew-y); @include transform($trans, $only3d); }
Skew an element along the y axis
@include skew( [ skew-y, 3D-only ] )
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
create-transform($perspective, $scale-x, $scale-y, $scale-z, $rotate-x, $rotate-y, $rotate-z, $rotate3d, $trans-x, $trans-y, $trans-z, $skew-x, $skew-y, $origin-x, $origin-y, $origin-z, $only3d)
=create-transform($perspective: false, $scale-x: false, $scale-y: false, $scale-z: false, $rotate-x: false, $rotate-y: false, $rotate-z: false, $rotate3d: false, $trans-x: false, $trans-y: false, $trans-z: false, $skew-x: false, $skew-y: false, $origin-x: false, $origin-y: false, $origin-z: false, $only3d: false) $trans: unquote("") // perspective @if $perspective $trans: perspective($perspective) // scale @if $scale-x and $scale-y @if $scale-z $trans: $trans scale3d($scale-x, $scale-y, $scale-z) @else $trans: $trans scale($scale-x, $scale-y) @else @if $scale-x $trans: $trans scaleX($scale-x) @if $scale-y $trans: $trans scaleY($scale-y) @if $scale-z $trans: $trans scaleZ($scale-z) // rotate @if $rotate-x $trans: $trans rotateX($rotate-x) @if $rotate-y $trans: $trans rotateY($rotate-y) @if $rotate-z $trans: $trans rotateZ($rotate-z) @if $rotate3d $trans: $trans rotate3d($rotate3d) // translate @if $trans-x and $trans-y @if $trans-z $trans: $trans translate3d($trans-x, $trans-y, $trans-z) @else $trans: $trans translate($trans-x, $trans-y) @else @if $trans-x $trans: $trans translateX($trans-x) @if $trans-y $trans: $trans translateY($trans-y) @if $trans-z $trans: $trans translateZ($trans-z) // skew @if $skew-x and $skew-y $trans: $trans skew($skew-x, $skew-y) @else @if $skew-x $trans: $trans skewX($skew-x) @if $skew-y $trans: $trans skewY($skew-y) // apply it! +transform($trans, $only3d) +transform-origin($origin-x, $origin-y, $origin-z, $only3d)
@mixin create-transform($perspective: false, $scale-x: false, $scale-y: false, $scale-z: false, $rotate-x: false, $rotate-y: false, $rotate-z: false, $rotate3d: false, $trans-x: false, $trans-y: false, $trans-z: false, $skew-x: false, $skew-y: false, $origin-x: false, $origin-y: false, $origin-z: false, $only3d: false) { $trans: unquote(""); // perspective @if $perspective { $trans: perspective($perspective); } // scale @if $scale-x and $scale-y { @if $scale-z { $trans: $trans scale3d($scale-x, $scale-y, $scale-z); } @else { $trans: $trans scale($scale-x, $scale-y); } } @else { @if $scale-x { $trans: $trans scaleX($scale-x); } @if $scale-y { $trans: $trans scaleY($scale-y); } @if $scale-z { $trans: $trans scaleZ($scale-z); } } // rotate @if $rotate-x { $trans: $trans rotateX($rotate-x); } @if $rotate-y { $trans: $trans rotateY($rotate-y); } @if $rotate-z { $trans: $trans rotateZ($rotate-z); } @if $rotate3d { $trans: $trans rotate3d($rotate3d); } // translate @if $trans-x and $trans-y { @if $trans-z { $trans: $trans translate3d($trans-x, $trans-y, $trans-z); } @else { $trans: $trans translate($trans-x, $trans-y); } } @else { @if $trans-x { $trans: $trans translateX($trans-x); } @if $trans-y { $trans: $trans translateY($trans-y); } @if $trans-z { $trans: $trans translateZ($trans-z); } } // skew @if $skew-x and $skew-y { $trans: $trans skew($skew-x, $skew-y); } @else { @if $skew-x { $trans: $trans skewX($skew-x); } @if $skew-y { $trans: $trans skewY($skew-y); } } // apply it! @include transform($trans, $only3d); @include transform-origin($origin-x, $origin-y, $origin-z, $only3d); }
Full transform mixins For settings any combination of transforms as arguments These are complex and not highly recommended for daily use. They are mainly here for backward-compatibility purposes.
- they include origin adjustments
- scale takes a multiplier (unitless), rotate and skew take degrees (deg)
Note This mixin cannot be combined with other transform mixins.
simple-transform($scale, $rotate, $trans-x, $trans-y, $skew-x, $skew-y, $origin-x, $origin-y)
=simple-transform($scale: false, $rotate: false, $trans-x: false, $trans-y: false, $skew-x: false, $skew-y: false, $origin-x: false, $origin-y: false) +create-transform(false, $scale, $scale, false, false, false, $rotate, false, $trans-x, $trans-y, false, $skew-x, $skew-y, $origin-x, $origin-y, false, false)
@mixin simple-transform($scale: false, $rotate: false, $trans-x: false, $trans-y: false, $skew-x: false, $skew-y: false, $origin-x: false, $origin-y: false) { @include create-transform(false, $scale, $scale, false, false, false, $rotate, false, $trans-x, $trans-y, false, $skew-x, $skew-y, $origin-x, $origin-y, false, false); }
A simplified set of options backwards-compatible with the previous version of the 'transform' mixin